Testimonianza G. P.

I was consuming cocaine 2 days before treatment started in Padova (Villa Maria). In Germany the normal treatment was stationary in clinic for minimun 8 weeks, so that was not suitable for me because of my work in practice. In Germany I had my weekly ambulant psychiatric appointment that did not help me. I was consuming nearly weekly. Before the TMS treatment I was little afraid of anknown side effects or complications because I was not informed properly. During the first week I felt already a loss of desiders leaving for the substance. My situation today is much stable and I have nomore craving or thoughts about the substance. I am very confident and happy about my assistance and treatment by my two psychologists (Dr. Giulia and Deborah). This treatment will in my eyes help many addictive person/patients who have cocaina drug abusement. It helped me a lot. I changed my life and found a way of living without drugs.

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Sedi operative

Milano – Largo Volontari del Sangue, 1 – 20133
Roma – via Botero, 61 – 00179
Padova – via Milazzo, 10c – 35138
Villa Maria – via delle Melette, 20 – 35139

Sede legale

Milano – via Bassini 26, 20133